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Omaha Recycling Guide

Pyrex & Glass Cookware

Not Accepted

G Pyrex Corningware

DO NOT place this item in a City of Omaha curbside recycling cart or drop-off site container.

Place Pyrex, Corningware, and other types of glass cookware in the garbage if it cannot be donated or reused.

G Pyrex Corningware

Ways to Reduce or Reuse

If your item is in useable condition, consider donating it along with other household items to a local charity or thrift store.

Did You Know

Some glass dishware, cookware, and food storage containers (e.g., Pyrex and Corningware), are made from borosilicate glass. Borosilicate is a glass blend with a higher melting point that is NOT easily recycled through traditional methods. This type of glassware can contaminate other glass recyclables, so it's best to place this item in the garbage if it cannot be reused.